Imagery Navigator Help

The Imagery Navigator helps you view and download different kinds of imagery and raster data.

To navigate the map:
  1. Double-click on the map to zoom in.
  2. Click and drag the map to recenter your view.
  3. Use the slider bar in the upper-left corner of the map to zoom in out.
  4. Hold down your SHIFT key and drag a box on the map to zoom to a specific area.
To view imagery and features on the map:
  1. Use the 'Display Imagery' dropdown list to choose the kind of imagery you want to see on the map.
  2. Use the 'Display Tile Index' dropdown list to view the boundaries of the individual data files that compose each imagery collection.
  3. Use the 'Display Overlays' option list to turn on/off the roads and labels.
To download imagery, do one of the following:
  1. Right-Click anywhere on the map to see a list of the individual data files that cover the area you clicked.
  2. Click the 'Advanced Download Options' link at the bottom of the page.
    • This will present ways to identify multiple data files that cover a larger area.
    • Click the 'Download tiles in the current map extent' to see lists of all data files that cover your current map view.
    • Use the links in the Download Links window to view the location of each data file and download it.

Navigating the map:

Using the Results Window: